
I need a sponsor

Sometimes I feel like I need someone to keep me going…keep me from slipping. You know the way addicts have sponsors. I don’t know that much about it but it sounds good to me. Life is hard as it is but how great would it be to have someone in your corner that knows what you’ve been through? That type of support should be for everyone!

I have family that I can talk to but it’s so different. Family  are as emotionally invested in your life as you are. You’re happy, they’re happy. You hurt, they hurt. Sometimes you don’t want to add any more stress to their plate. Does that sound crazy?

I want someone to say, “Hey, how are you doing? Have you sewn anything lately? Do you need inspiration for a painting? I hope you’re still blogging on a regular!” And still I want them to be like a shoulder to lean on and talk things over with. Like family without the blood ties and a therapist without the hefty price. Someone who can guide me along this journey of life because they walked it already.

Does it seem greedy that I have family I can talk to but still want more? Some things you can’t bring yourself to tell your loved ones. I, for one, hate feeling like I’m burdening my family. You know it’s funny because I feel like I’ve be a “sponsor” for so many people even complete strangers and now I find myself NEEDING the same level of concern I gave. All my strength has been given out. It’s a funny place to be. It’s also hard to except needing someone to be there for you when it’s always been the other way around. I suppose that’s why I don’t tell my family much, because I’ve always been their strength and their backbone. How useful would I be if I was vulnerable? That’s what I think anyway.

Is there some anonymous group that helps people, who are use to being there for others, accept that they need support too? Are there enough people like me out there to begin with? The ones that give their all not wanting anything in return. The ones that forgot that they’re human too and need to be taken care of just like everyone else.

This was honestly some random thoughts that popped into my head after watching “Dexter”, of all things. Anyway, like always guys, ((HUGGS AND LOVE))


Relationship Dumpster Diving

I’m pretty sure we’ve all been in a relationship that seemed to be dragging us down rather than lifting us up. I’m talking about the type of relationship where your partner makes you feel like pure crap. It leaves you wondering if something is wrong with you. You’re head fills with self doubt and you assume that he/she is as good as it gets. I mean, after all, they’re putting up with all your flaws and problems, right? Wrong!

You’ve heard the saying, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” I bet you’ve also heard of the phrase “dumpster diving.” What if I told you that the comparison of a relationship to garbage isn’t a bad thing, at least not the way I see it. Let me explain a bit more. No one wants trash…no one. We all know that. And what’s worse than having a partner that makes you out to seem like trash? They might even tell you directly that you are trash, that you are no good. Okay, so what do you do with that?

Don’t let an unappreciative person determine your worth. See it as an opportunity to spin their perception of you on its head, not because you need their validation but because you should always solidify your value. Just because they don’t think you’re good enough doesn’t mean it’s true. Heck, it’s not!

So, let’s get to the point. Relationship dumpster diving is something that came to mind when I thought about one person appreciating what another didn’t. People sift through trash on a regular basis looking for something that they can’t help but think someone else was crazy enough to throw  away. I’m not saying that a person is truly trash by comparing them to garbage in a dumpster, so please don’t get the wrong idea. I simply want you to realize that as much as a person doesn’t want you, there will be someone who thinks you’re the greatest and can’t believe they stumbled on such a find.

Okay, let me give you another example. Let’s compare expensive clothing to ones found on the sales rack. Most people believe that the expensive clothes are one hundred percent better than anything found on clearance but how many times has designer or name brand items become available at an extremely discounted price? Does that make it any less valuable? Does the fine material automatically become mediocre? No! Sometimes, even though you are simply amazing, you might end up on the sales rack. You were unfortunately put there by someone who KNEW your worth but in order to make you seem less-than, stuck you with a 90% off tag. I don’t know about anyone else but I always head to the sales rack first, not because I’m cheap(well not mostly) but because I know how many great items were shoved in there.

Don’t get me wrong, there are some people who specifically look for broken and battered individuals for selfish reasons. However, many people will choose to look beyond all of that in order to discover who you really are. They’re not worried about what your ex thinks of you. They see you as a prize. They value you and don’t try to make you feel worthless. Hence, “One man’s  trash is another man’s treasure.” You are worthwhile and the right person will recognize that.

I want to leave you with this final thought, don’t let a bad relationship hinder you from recognizing your own worth. A person who truly values you will appreciate everything you have to offer and not treat you any less than what you deserve. You will ALWAYS be treasure to the right person.