
Things my kids cry about that signify the end of the world!

It’s obvious that kids are going to cry. They’re little and depend on us for everything they need, so in a moment of frustration or desperation they let out a some tears to let us know something is wrong. Not everything, however, is a cry alerting us to an injury, or hunger, or sleep deprivation. Oh no! Some things they cry about are so much more, to them, earth shattering.

I’ve created a list of some of the things my little ones cry about that have left me scratching my head and saying, “Huh?”

1. A bent lollipop stick- My eldest’s first official “life’s not fair” meltdown was over a bent lollipop stick. It took me at least three times taking it from her to realize what the problem was.

2. Broken piece of potato- Again my oldest wins this one. She was eating potatoes  when one tiny piece broke off . She insisted that I put the potato back together. I’m glad a one and a half year old had so much faith in my capabilities. I couldn’t put it back together.

3. Changing cat litter- My youngest completely wigged out at the site of me throwing away old kitty litter. She said, “Don’t do that, mami!” She told me it was for the cat and that I needed to leave the bathroom.

4. Wanting me to open a book- I recently bought a book about Noah’s art. I got the super hard cover because my kids like to rip pages. My youngest not knowing what page the picture of the monkeys is on, will cry for me to open the page for her.

5. Broken soap- My oldest, yet again, was hopping mad the other day. The soap had broken in half and she asked me to “put it” back together. As any reasonable person would, I smashed the pieces together and made a ball. She was not having it and cried until I made it as close to the normal shape as possible.

6. Rice underneath feet- My oldest has always hated anything irritating the bottom of her feet– dirt, sand, little pebbles. My youngest never cared about that stuff, until now. One night, after messy eating, my youngest stepped on some rice. She lost it and referred to it as poop.

These are just a sprinkle of what they’re gotten upset over. I know, as a parent, I’m not alone in this! I’ve read some hilarious stories of other parents’ struggles. At least we’ll have interesting things to tell our kids when they’re older.

As always, thanks for reading! ((Hugs & Love))


Daily Prompt: Priceless

via Daily Prompt: Priceless

Some things are worth nothing, some things have significant monetary value, and some things are completely priceless. Sometimes, we focus so much on things that we can buy and show off, but what are they really worth? What do they say about us as people? That we have a good life, are good people, or we’ll be happy forever? Things are just that…things.

We value material things with high reguard and if we lost them, we’d go out of our minds. I’ll tell you what is priceless–Family, friends, love. Those are things we can’t buy or replace. If we lost any of them, we could lose ourselves. There is no amount of money in this world that could amount to what they mean to us, yet on a daily basis we don’t recognize their worth. How many of us haven’t called a family member in a while because we’re too busy? Have you stopped hanging out with a really close friend because the have a new baby? How many times have you treated a person, that has only ever shown you love, badly?

They say you never know what you have until it’s gone. Why do we neglect the very foundation of our existence? I am definitely guilty of taking loved ones for granted. I couldn’t give you a proper answer if you asked me why. I make up excuse after excuse, sometimes to get out of family get-togethers.

If the few days have taught me anything, it’s to appreciate the ones I care about and to value their love. So many people in Texas have lost an outstanding amount of their possessions but they’re grateful to have family at their sides. Some people were helped by pure acts of kindness and love from complete strangers. That’s priceless!

Lets not allow disasters and tragedy to remind us of what really matters, of what is really valuable. Tell the people you care about how much you love them and how much they mean to you. Never get sick of expressing your love to them because one day you might not be able to.

As always guys, thanks for reading. ((HUGS & LOVE))